Journal Entry: April 27th, 2016 - On Being

Tim Ferriss said in a podcast that i listened to today (link here) that instead of trying to find our "true calling" we instead have to let it find us.  

We don't take the time to pause and reflect.  We don't meditate.  We don't let the stillness and quiet come.  This is when breakthroughs happen.  Opportunities to become our true selves are all around us.  We simply aren't aware.  We're not looking for the opportunities.  

We're so caught up with the day to day bullshit that we don't give ourselves the freedom that we desire. 

Freedom...from thoughts.  From to-do lists.  We have to allow ourselves to just stop and be.  

Stop trying to force things to happen.  Stop trying so hard to find it.  

Let it come to me.  Be open.  Be aware.  Look for opportunities.  Don't be passive.  Be active.  Be in the moment.  

Move away from instant gratification and be willing to put in the work required.  

Nothing is given and nobody owes me anything.  I have to make it for myself.  

I have to deserve it, as well.  I know i often focus on the people who seemingly have it all and didn't earn it.  No names need to be named.  But i have to refocus that energy on positive thoughts.  I can choose my thoughts.  Are the majority positive or negative?  

What do i talk about?  Am I optimistic and happy or pessimistic and negative?  

We are what we think about.  More like, we are what we think about and are able to follow through with.  Thoughts are things.  And things are real.  

Continuous improvement.  Kaizen.  Implement Kaizen in my own life.  Find those blockages in my personal life and take measures to improve upon them.  

I know that i'm not like an assembly line, but the underlying theme of Kaizen still stands.  Find the problems, fix them.  Improve improve improve.  

Work toward something higher than myself.  Fuck me.  Fuck my ego.  Why can't i detach and live for the sake of existing as opposed to trying to fulfill my own wants and needs?  

I think like a Democrat but act like a Republican.

I'm not Jesus-like.  That dude had it right.  He was willing to give his life for other people.  
Jesus was able to rid himself of his ego.  There's nothing more egoless than dying for the sins of other people.  Well, I guess he was killed because he was a religious extremist.  Everybody was a Jew and he was preaching this other shit.  The Jews were like, "Nah, Son!" tracked him down and stuck him on a cross.

Apparently nailing people to crosses was sort of common thing back in the day.  We were some barbarians.  Hard as fuck.  

We're soft now.  But soft for the better.  We're able to understand the oneness and how cooperation is better than competition.  A rising tide raises all ships.  We must work together to raise the tide.  Everybody must do their part. 

Lose the ego.  Be Jesus-like. 

Journal Entry: April 18th, 2016 - On Mortality

I know that my time on this earth is limited. 

I know that everyone must die.

I should use that as motivation to take advantage of each moment. To appreciate the "small" things. 

On second thought, nothing is small, we just ignore the things that really matter. We get distracted. 

Entire industries are dedicated toward telling us how to live. what to buy. who to be. 

But that's why the contemplation of death is so important.  When we understand that our time here is so short, that other stuff won't matter. 

What should matter is getting the most out of your life and being the best person you can be. We are all unique, so my best person isn't going to be the same as your best person.

Regardless, we should each try to strive toward becoming our best (or highest) selves. If each of us lived in alignment with our highest selves, the world would be a better place.

Journal Entry: April 8th, 2016 - Misc Rant

Don't get angry at the people you don't want to be like.  I don't look up to evil, greedy fucks.  I trust that karma will take care of them.  

Karma and faith.  Real or just a way to subdue the masses?

I wish that somebody smarter than me could explain that.  I want to believe that karma exists and that evil people will be punished, but if i'm being fleeced i'm going to be pissed.  There's not much of a worse feeling than being betrayed by somebody that you trusted.

I tend to assume that people are hard-wired to act with the Golden Rule in mind, but there's too much shit that i see going on around me that tells me otherwise.  Suicide bombers, for example.  Sociopaths.  People who do more harm than good.  People who are more interested in personal gain.  These people are lost.  I can help them get back on track but don't prefer to be used and abused in the process.  

And my life is easy compared to many, many, many people.  If i had to guess, i'd probably be in the top 97% of all humans on the planet in terms of "comfort."

I'm a white, straight male in America.  I have a Bachelor's degree.  I don't have any visible tattoos.  

I'm where it's at in terms of opportunity.  

However, it's not okay.  I choose not to take that advantage.  I prefer an even playing field.  Equal opportunity.  

If there MUST be winners and losers, i'd rather flip the script.  Make the 99% well off and the 1% struggling for survival.  The exact opposite of where we're at now.  At current, there are like 50 people in the world who own the same amount of wealth as the bottom half.  This is downright disturbing.  How can so few hoard so much?  And why are these people idolized?  We should be knocking down their walls and demanding our fair share.

Nature is based on balance.  

I wonder how animals would act if one in their tribe was hoarding everything.  Would they revolt?  Would six others gang up on the one and take him down?

That'd be an interesting experiment.  however, i do not condone the use of animals in experiments.  they are not here for our gain. 

Abrupt ending, but that's what i got for today.