Showing posts with label Early to Rise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Early to Rise. Show all posts

Early to Rise - Day 1

This morning i was able to wake up at 6:31, a full 8 minutes before the sun.  As promised i went outside and took a picture.  I realized there wasn't much to take a picture of as the sun had risen yet but here it is:

the Ripening, early to rise, soul, darkness before sunrise

I was able to meditate, write in my journal, and sweep the floors.  In hindsight, i should've just wrote this blog post instead of writing in the journal.  I'd also really like to start eating a meal before i leave.  I drink a protein shake immediately upon waking but i generally don't eat anything solid.  A protein shake and a real meal an hour later would be supreme.

I'd also like to exercise in the morning.  I've never been one to wake up and start exercising but i feel like it would do a lot of good.  I might have to start waking up even earlier but i'll have less to do after work so it balances itself out.

I'm looking forward to jumping out of bed before sunrise again tomorrow.

Early to Rise - Introduction

I've long wanted to start being an early riser.  For the next 21 days i will be one.  The goal is to wake before sunrise, even on the weekends.  Sunrise is at 6:39 on the day the challenge begins.

I'll go outside and take a picture each morning as i wake up and post them here.  Since i'll be up a half hour or more before i'd usually get out of bed, i'm looking forward to seeing how i utilize the extra time.  I have ideas of things that i might like to do such as working out, meditating, eating breakfast, walking the dog, journaling, etc. but i don't have a specific task in mind.

I've recently joined Lift.Do and i'll track my habits there.

Have any of you tried being an early riser?  Were you successful?  Please share any tips or tricks you might have!