Morning Routine: 21 Day Challenge - Wake Up - Days 4 thru 10

My goal is to be out of bed by 5:51am each day.  Here's how i've faired during the challenge thus far: 

Day 4 - hit snooze once, up by 6:09.  My g/f was surprised and excited to find me using the vacuum when she got out of the shower at 7:20.

Day 5 - up at 6:10

Day 6 - slept until 8:15 - first weekend morning of the challenge did not go as planned.  Was unable to fall asleep and then it carried over to the next morning.

Day 7 - slept until 7:35

Day 8 - slept until 6:20 - "slept in" but was still able to shovel the drive before work

Day 9 - slept until 7:40 - i tried napping after work so that i could stay up to watch the NCAA National Championship game.  I was unable to fall asleep and then i was unable to get out of the bed in the morning.

Day 10 - slept until 7:25

I have yet to wake up and actually stay up at the designated 5:51am wake up.  I'll need to make a change or two in these remaining days if i'm going to call this challenge a success.