Showing posts with label TED. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TED. Show all posts

TED Talk a Day - Day 1: Are We in Control of Our Own Decisions? by Dan Ariely

I'm currently reading Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely so when i saw that he had a TED talk i jumped on it.

Here are the notes i jotted down while watching the talk:

  • hidden decisions shape our lives
  • the illusion of decision-making
  • when we don't know what to do we make the decision that is being made for us
  • we don't know our own preferences very well
  • we don't understand our cognitive limitations like we understand our physical ones
Here is the talk.  Feel free to comment below regarding your thoughts.

TED Talk a Day - Introduction

For the next 21 day challenge, i'll be watching a TED talk each day.  I'll post the video (or at least a link) here and add some commentary or my favorite quotes from the talk.

I find many of the talks to be stimulating and educational.  I even had the opportunity to attend a TEDx event when i lived in Asheville, which is like a mini-TED.  I hope that this challenge proves rewarding for all of us.

I'll start posting videos on Monday.