Notes & Quotes: Jiro Dreams of Sushi

Here are some notable quotes from the documentary, Jiro Dreams of Sushi.  The quotes are from various people throughout the movie and not all can be attributed to Jiro Ono.

Once you decide on your occupation you must immerse yourself in your work.  You have to fall in love with your work.  Never complain about your job.  You must dedicate your life to mastering your skill.  That's the secret of success.

Ultimate simplicity leads to purity.

It really comes down to making and effort and repeating the same thing every day.

It has to be better than last time.

A great chef has the following five attributes:
  1. they take their work very seriously and consistently perform on the highest level
  2. they aspire to improve their skills
  3. cleanliness.  If the restaurant doesn't feel clean, the food isn't going to taste as good
  4. impatience.  They are better leaders than collaborators.  They're stubborn and insist on having it their way
  5. a great chef is passionate
He always worked incredibly hard.  He would only take a day off if it was a national holiday.

It is essential to check every detail.

The way of the shokunin is to repeat the same thing every day.

Nowadays, parents tell their children, "you can return if it doesn't work out."  When parents say stupid things like that, the kids turn out to be failures.

Shokunin try to get the highest quality fish and apply their technique to it.  We don't care about money.  All I want to do is make better sushi.

I do the same thing over and over, improving bit by bit.  There is always yearning to achieve more.

I'll continue to climb, trying to reach the top...but no one knows where the top is.

I fell in love with my work and gave my life to it.

If ten tuna are for sale, one has to be the best.  I buy that one.

Just when you think you know it all, you realize that you're just fooling yourself.

In order to make delicious food, you must eat delicious food.

What's the point of buying rice that you can't cook properly?

Each ingredient has an ideal moment of deliciousness.

The most important part of making good sushi is this:  Creating a union between the rice and the fish.  If they are not in complete harmony, the sushi won't taste good.

In traditional Japanese cuisine, there is a progression in how the dishes are served.  Heavier flavors are served later in the course.  There is an ebb and flow to the menu.

Jiro was given the Meikou Award by the Japanese government.  He went to the award ceremony during the day and back at work in the evening.  He said he got tired of sitting around.

When we have good tuna, I feel great.  While I'm making the sushi, I feel victorious.

Businesses should balance profit with preserving natural resources.

Always look ahead and above yourself.  Always try to improve upon yourself.  Always strive to elevate your craft.

If you happen to know Japanese (or don't mind reading subtitles) then i highly encourage you to check this out.  I watched it for free with my Amazon Prime account.  It's probably available on Netflix as well.