Goals 15/16 - October Update

Over a third of my "goal year" has already passed.  Here's where I'm at with my goals:
(33% completed means I'm on pace)
Reduce Debt$25,353.43$25,882.11$528.68
Keep the Fiance41233.33%
Volunteerism (h)3.52414.58%
Meditation (m)8114405.63%

Books - I was struggling the whole month of September trying to finish both Money by Tony Robbins and The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene so I decided to set those books down.  In turn, I started and finished both The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo and God's Debris by Scott Adams.  I learned that it's much better to move on from a book you're struggling with and read things that excite.  

Pullups - Lowest month of pullups yet.  My back has been hurting a little and I wonder if doing nothing but pullups is a bad idea.

Reduce Debt - Fuck!  I hate debt.  Seeing that I've only put a $500 dent in my debt situation fucking sucks!  (Not enough to create real change in my spending habits, though)

Keep the fiance - Surprised the fiance with a single rose and a bagel for breakfast on our wedding "Countdown Day."

Volunteerism - Didn't do a damn thing :(

Meditation - Only sat for 10 minutes the whole month.

I mustn't procrastinate.  I need to focus on achieving the goals early as opposed to having a "tomorrow" mentality.  Here's to having a more successful update at the beginning of December.