Notes & Quotes: The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason

The following quotes were taken from the book The Richest Man in Babylon by George S Clason.  Numbered for convenience.
  1. Wealth is a power.  With wealth many things are possible.
  2. The sun that shines today is the sun that shone when thy father was born, and will still be shining when thy last grandchild shall pass into the darkness.
  3. All I earned was mine to keep.
  4. Every gold piece you save is a slave to work for you.  Every copper it earns is its child that also can earn for you.  If you would become wealthy, then what you save must earn, and its children must earn, and it's children's children must earn, that all may help to give to you the abundance you crave.
  5. A part of all you earn is yours to keep.  It should not be less than a tenth no matter how little you earn.  It can be as much as you can afford.  Pay yourself first.  Do not buy from the cloth maker and the sandal maker more than you can pay out of the rest and still have enough for food and charity and penance to God.
  6. Why trust the knowledge of a brick maker about jewels?  Would you go to the bread maker to inquire about the stars?
  7. Advice is one thing that is freely given away, but watch that you take only what is worth having.
  8. He who takes advice about his savings from one who is inexperienced in such matters, shall pay with his savings for proving the falsity of their opinions.
  9. You first learned to live upon less than you could earn.  Next you learned to seek advice from those who were competent through their own experience to give it.  And, lastly, you have learned to make gold work for you.
  10. Would you call a fisherman lucky who for years so studied the habits of the fish that with each changing wind he could cast his nets about them?  Opportunity is a haughty goddess who wastes no time with those who are unprepared.
  11. Will power is but the unflinching purpose to carry a task you set for yourself to fulfillment.
  12. When I set a task for myself, I complete it.
  13. Wealth grows wherever men exert energy.
  14. Wealth grows in magic ways.
  15. Invest thy treasure with greatest caution that it be not lost.
  16. A small return and a safe one is far more desirable than risk.
  17. For every ten coins thou placest within thy purse take out for use but nine.
  18. Unto him who keepeth and spendeth not a certain part of all his earnings, shall gold come more easily.
  19. Control thy expenditures.
  20. What each of us calls our necessary expenses will always grow to equal our incomes unless we protest to the contrary.
  21. Confuse not thy necessary expenses with thy desires.  Each of you, together with your good families, has more desires than your earnings can gratify.
  22. Study thoughtfully thy accustomed habits of living.
  23. Budget thy expenses that thou mayest have coins to pay for thy necessities, to pay for thy enjoyments and to gratify thy worthwhile desires.
  24. Make thy gold multiply.
  25. Gold in a purse is gratifying to own and satisfieth a miserly soul but earns nothing.
  26. A man's wealth is not in the coins he carries in his purse; it is the income he buildeth, the golden stream that continually floweth into his purse and keepeth it always bulging.
  27. Guard thy treasures from loss.
  28. Study carefully before parting with thy treasure each assurance, that it may be safely reclaimed.
  29. Guard thy treasure from loss by investing only where thy principal is safe, where is may be reclaimed if desireable, and where thou will not fail to collect a fair rental.
  30. Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment.
  31. To a man's heart it brings gladness to eat the figs from his own trees and the grapes of his own vines.
  32. I recommend that every man own the roof that sheltereth him and his.
  33. Insure a future income.
  34. A man may buy houses or lands for this purpose.  If wisely chosen as to their usefulness and value in the future, they are permanent in their value, and their earnings or their sale will provide well for his purpose.
  35. A man may loan a small sum to the money lender and increase it at regular periods.  The rental which the money lender adds to this will largely add to its increase.
  36. Increase thy ability to earn.
  37. Thy desires must be strong and definite.  General desires are but weak longings.
  38. This is the process by which wealth is accumulated; first in small sums, then in larger ones as a man learns and becomes more capable.
  39. I urge all men to be in the front rank of progress and not to stand still, lest they be left behind.
  40. There is more gold in Babylon, my students, than thou dreamest of.  There is abundance for all.
  41. The temple of learning in old Babylon was an unusual institution.  In this spacious building many groups of men would congregate each evening about their favorite leaders to discuss interesting subjects.  Within the doors of this temple all men met as equals.  Here the humblest slave could discuss upon an equal footing with a prince of the royal house.
  42. Go promptly upon the morrow.  Opportunity waits for no man.  Today it is here; soon it is gone.  Therefore, delay not!
  43. So must every man master his own spirit of procrastination before he can expect to share in the rich treasures of Babylon.
  44. To attract good luck to oneself, it is necessary to take advantage of opportunities.
  45. Good luck can be enticed by accepting opportunity.
  46. Those eager to grasp opportunities for their betterment, do attract "good luck."  It seems to favor men of action best.  Therefore, if a plan be for thy best interest, promptly accept it.  If it be against thy best interest, with equal promptness, reject it.  ACTION will lead thee forward to the successes thou dost desire.
  47. Gold is reserved for those who know its laws and abide by them.
  48. Had I but sought wisdom first, my gold would not have been lost to me.
  49. Gold cometh gladly and in increasing quantity to any man whosoever will put by not less than one-tenth of his earnings to create an estate for his future and that of his family.
  50. Gold laboreth diligently and contentedly for the wise owner who finds for it profitable employment, multiplying even as the flocks of the field.
  51. Gold clingeth to the protection of the cautious owner who invests it under the advice of men wise in its handling.
  52. Gold slippeth away from the man who invests it in businesses or purposes with which he is not familiar or which are not approved by those skilled in its keep.
  53. Gold flees the man who would force it to impossible earnings or who followeth the alluring advice of tricksters and schemers or who trusts it to his own inexperience and romantic desires in investment.
  54. I learned to safely invest gold to bring profitable returns.
  55. Without wisdom, gold is quickly lost by those who have it, but with wisdom, gold can be secured by those who have it not.
  56. Wealth that comes quickly goeth the same way.
  57. If thou desire to help thy friend, do so in a way that will not bring thy friend's burdens upon thyself.
  58. On loans like those I am assured that my gold will be returned with the rental thereon, for the loan is based on property.
  59. Humans in the throws of great emotions are not safe risks for the gold lender.
  60. If they borrow for purposes that bring money back to them, I find it so.  But if they borrow because of their indiscretions, I warn thee to be cautious if thou wouldst ever have thy gold back in hand again.
  61. Hopeless debt is like a deep pit into which one may descend quickly and where one may struggle vainly for many days.
  62. If it is lent unwisely then it is difficult to get back.  The wise lender wishes not the risk of undertaking but the guarantee of safe repayment.
  63. What thy labor earns for thee and what is given thee for reward is thine own and no man can put an obligation upon thee to part with it unless it do be thy wish.
  64. Before thou let any piece of gold leave thy pouch to be sure that thou hast a safe way to pull it back again.
  65. Better a Little Caution than a Great Regret.
  66. We cannot afford to be without adequate protection.
  67. Ill fortune pursues every man who thinks more of borrowing than of repaying.
  68. I could not use my earnings both to live upon and to pay my debts.
  69. If a man has in himself the soul of a free man, will he not become respected and honored in his own city in spite of his misfortune?
  70. No man is otherwise who cannot respect himself and no man can respect himself who does not repay honest debts.
  71. Within me surged the soul of a free man going back to conquer his enemies and reward his friends.
  72. The soul of a free man looks at life as a series of problems to be solved and solves them, while the soul of a slave whines, "What can I do who am but a slave?"
  73. Where the determination is, the way can be found.
  74. One realizes that conditions upon this old world have not changes as much in five thousand years as one might expect.
  75. To these creditors do I owe in total one hundred and nineteen pieces of silver and one hundred and forty-one pieces of copper.  Because I did owe these sums and saw no way to repay, in my folly I didst permit my wife to return to her father and didst leave my native city and seek easy wealth elsewhere, only to find disaster and to see myself sold into the degradation of slavery.
  76. Each time I paid to myself one-tenth of all I earned.  Each time my good wife and I have lived upon seven-tenths even though at times it was difficult.  Each time I have paid my creditors two-tenths.
  77. It is the real fun, to start accumulating money that you do not want to spend.  There is more pleasure in running up such a surplus than there could be in spending it.
  78. We are determined never again to permit our living expenses to exceed seventy percent of our income.
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