Notes & Quotes: No, They Can't - John Stossel

Here are my highlights from No, They Can't by John Stossel:

Tougher airline safety rules lead to higher ticket prices, which lead more people to drive to Grandma’s house. I call that statistical murder.

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After all, we’re busy dealing with our own lives. Most of us don’t even know that we’re being fleeced.

No one spends other people’s money as carefully as he spends his own.

It’s the little guys who benefit most from economic freedom.

The free market is voluntary. Government is force.

As Aristotle noted, “That which is common to the greatest number has the least care bestowed upon it.”

It is intuitive to think public is better than private, but next time someone tells you that, tell them to think about this: public toilets.

Brands protects us better than regulators do.

Government always grows.

Established businesses have always  tried to use government to handcuff competition.

Established capitalists can be capitalism’s biggest enemies.

Businesses and insurance companies, precisely because their own money is at stake, have a much bigger incentive to make smart rules about safety than do distant politicians, who play around with other people’s money or simply do what sounds right—or worse, what sounds impressive in a press release.

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Free competition protects consumers best.

Even as life gets safer, longer, and richer, people clamor for new regulations every time a child falls down a well.

Laws that force workers to join unions end up treating millions of diverse people, most of whom want very different things, as undifferentiated collectives.

Unions suck the joy out of work.

The law also sends a destructive message to the disabled: You always need special treatment.

Either we let a free market distribute those resources according to who is most willing to pay for them, or we let government give them out ‘equally.’

We cannot imagine a Lexus (or an iPhone or Lipitor) until some greedy entrepreneur produces it.

Third-party payment destroys the shopping process that is the essence of a market.

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Risk-based pricing encourages us to take better care of ourselves.

Why think carefully about food choices—or anything, really—if the government promises to make your decisions for you?

in a free country, you should have the right to make foolish choices.

As Lao Tzu said, “The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be.”

Now I know that gun control is not crime control.

We should fear the tyranny of the easily offended.

Monopolies don’t improve.

Without real competition, parents don’t know what their kids might have had.

I don’t understand why the private use of recreational drugs justifies the militarization of the police, violent disregard for our civil liberties, and the jailing of millions of nonviolent people.

Government goes astray when it tries to protect us from ourselves.

The drug war causes crime in black neighborhoods.

You should not have people enforcing the laws benefiting directly from them.

Ridiculous laws erode respect for all law.

When the public is this divided about an issue, there’s a strong argument to be made that it’s something that should be left to voluntary social pressure instead of legal enforcement.

Government management means government waste.

It makes us feel good to think about sharing for the common good, but public ownership usually means that no one gives a damn.

People who recommend tough decisions are called “radicals.”

every dime spent by the government is likely (not certain, but likely) to be spent less efficiently than the private sector would spend it.

The inefficient use of force creates more problems than it solves.

There is nothing that government can do that we cannot do better as free individuals—and as groups of individuals, working together voluntarily.

Anything catch your eye?  I don't necessarily agree with all of it but it was a good read and I'm glad i took the time.