Introspective Journaling - Day 21: What have i learned over the past three weeks?

Being the last day of the challenge, i figured i'd take the opportunity to look back at everything i've written and think about what i've learned.  

One is that none of this is important without action.  Action is what propels us forward.  Goal-setting, list making, and daydreaming all have their place, but without action, it's all meaningless.  We (i) can sit and talk about all of these things that i'm going to achieve but without taking a step towards those goals each and every day, they'll never come to fruition.  I've read that list-making can be used as a way to procrastinate -- making us feel like we've done something when we really haven't.  I feel like this is true for me.  I'm not "walking the walk" as i need to be.

One must lead by example.

It's about the grind.  I gotta do the shit day in and day out that 99.9% of people aren't willing to do.  It's so easy to type but so hard to live up to.

What i've written over the past 21 days is everything i need and more to get started.  I'm really starting to run out of excuses.  I know what i need to do, i just have to commit to doing it.  

I guess i'm scared of the sacrifice.  I'm happy being content, but i'm not fulfilled.  Fulfillment is the goal.  The good news is that the answer is me and i don't have to rely on external factors.  It's entirely up to me.  I control my own destiny in this regard.